Mindful Resilience: Managing and Thriving with Everyday Stress
taught by Diane Hetrick
Course Description
We all know, really, that stress isn't going away in our lives. In fact, with the fast pace of technology and change, it may increase. And, we may not really want it to go away. Stress can help us in many ways: it can grab our attention, remind us we need to make corrections away from our difficulties or lean into our resources to achieve new accomplishments. Even pleasant and positive events, such as vacations, celebrations, and life transitions, can be stressful.
This class, taught by Diane Hetrick, Certified Mindfulness facilitator (UCLA) and Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) facilitator (Stanford), draws from work of both the MBSR and CCT classes, as well as some of the latest neuroscience and research of Kelly McGonigal in her book, The Upside of Stress, and Paul Gilbert, in his book, The Compassionate Mind.
You'll learn many of the same tools and practices as the traditional MBSR classes, as well as expanding out to tap into your own internal and external resources to develop more resilience and joy in the face of stress. This class incorporates a daily mindfulness meditation practice as well as real-life practices to make it immediately useful to your life.
Each class will include:
- An initial settling meditation practice
- Sharing of current research and perspectives, and group discussion of how to apply these to our lives
- Individual or small group guided exercises (including written and verbal)
- Embodying movement practices
- Guided meditation practice
- Suggested home practice ideas
Course Outline
Week One: Stress and the role of mindfulness and resilience
- Understanding mindfulness and resilience, and how they might help us manage and even thrive with the day to day stress of life
- The fallacy of stress reduction and why we need stress resilience
- A look at the latest research and perspectives regarding stress and how we might cultivate stress resilience in our lives
Week Two: Working with our mindset - the upside of stress
- Looking at how brains work and then learning how to work with our brains
- Discussion of our negative biases; the Default Mode Network and our wondering mind
Week Three: Body and movement practices to support building resilience (bring a yoga mat to this class)
- The role of movement, breath, and the vagus nerve to help us develop a physiology of resilience and courage
Week Four: Deepening into our mindfulness practices to manage and thrive with stress
- Explore the work of Martin Seligman: the 3 P's that interfere with resilience - personalization, pervasiveness, and permanence and how mindfulness training can support us here
Week Five: Resilience: Growing our support systems, and communication skills
- Exploring the concepts of our common humanity and the role of kindness, courage, altruism, and gratitude have on our resilience
- Develop our capacity to listen, even in challenging situations. Listening to underlying needs
- The importance of remembering our intentions and values
Week Six: The role of forgiveness -- for ourselves and towards others
- Working with Self-Compassion and then broadening this out towards others
- Final tips for developing a resilient life
Pricing and Scholarships
The course fee is $270.
If you are interested in financial assistance, CCFW offers two options:
- Income-based reduced fee of $200, available to individuals with an annual household income from all sources of $60,000 or less. For more details, please email ccfwb@uw.edu
- A limited number of scholarships are available per course. To apply for a scholarship, please review criteria and complete the application form at https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/mindful/237140 Note: Scholarship applicants will be notified no later than 3 weeks prior to the first day of class (8/17/17). Applicants must wait to register for the course until a decision has been made in order to qualify.
**NEW** UW Affiliate Discounts
· 20% for UW Faculty & Employees. Use your UW email address to register, include department name, office, and position.
Please note: The UW Faculty and Employee discount may not be applied towards friends or family members.
· 25% if paying with a UW budget number. UW Budget number is required at registration.
Continuing Education Credits
Pay extra $5.00 at registration to receive:
Pay it Forward - Support the Scholarship Fund
If you are able to pay more for the course, we encourage you to consider donating to the Mindfulness Outreach Fund which allows CCFW to offer 50% and 100% scholarships to community members to aid in the cost of registration fees for mindfulness courses. Scholarships are awarded to increase accessibility of mindfulness and compassion training for individuals who have limited resources to obtain such training and to those who work in communities experiencing adversity. To make a donation to the scholarship fund, please visit http://giving.uw.edu/mindfulness
Class Schedule
6-Class Sessions: Tuesdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm January 8 - February 12, 2019
About the Instructor

Diane Hetrick has been studying and practicing in the areas of mind-body healing, mindfulness, meditation, and compassion cultivation most of her adult life. Her more than 30 years of experience as a Physical Therapist working with patients with chronic pain and/or illnesses lead her to explore various body and movement practices, including yoga, dance and qigong, and to explore the area of Mindfulness meditation, in order to help people with stress, pain or dysfunction find more ease, and well-being in their lives.
She completed the Certificate in Mindfulness Facilitation training through the Mindfulness Awareness Research Center (MARC) at UCLA. After completing the Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) Teacher Certification Program, offered through the Center for Compassion, Altruism, Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford, she became one of the first certified CCT teachers in the Seattle area. More at: http://www.dianehetrick.com/
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The personal information you submit to the Center for Child & Family Well-Being will not be shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties in any form, for any purpose, at any time without your authorization.
Contact Information
Marcellina DesChamps
Associate Director of Programs
Center for Child & Family Well-Being
Office: 206.221.8508
Email: ccfwb@uw.edu